- Highlights Annual Report 2016
Take a journey through Roche's performance: - Annual Report 2016 - Highlights Annual Report 2016
Take a journey through Roche's performance: - Annual Report 2016
Copyright: Kevin Lancashire, Digital communications enthusiast, Switzerland
Planning content across owned and earned media in a non-concerted way is inefficient and not effective. Often consistent messaging across platforms is ditched in favor of “siloed” storytelling. The downside: redundancies, less reach, not on-message, no (shared) measurement.
However, a holistic, more agile and collaborative approach to editorial planning gains foothold. E.g. regional editions Financial Times.
Is the old way of planning content in silos is losing grip in your company?
Interesting insight from a Swiss working for Google (Senior Vice president)
Good read: "This is the clearest and simplest explanation of the world we now all depend on--how it works and why it does what it does--from one of our best-known inventors. Everyone on Earth needs to read it."--Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Alphabet Inc. and Google.
Talk related to Digital Governance at Roche. 120 companies attended this event.
Watch video-trailer on YouTube
Thank you Roche Digital Team: a great team achievement: Best digital annual report 2016!