Media coverage overview
In the last decade I had the privilege to publish article in newspapers.
In Munich a group of handpicked journalists had the opportunity to ask some questions to Mark Zuckerberg.
He was rolling out FB-Connect at that moment in time.
20 Minuten, National, Seite 3, Unique Users per month: 2'527'000,
Print: 1 953 000 readers per issue.
Social Commerce Project for Migros
Migros offered customers vouchers for electronic devices and chocolate via Facebook available in 640 brick and mortar stores.
The relaunch of Switzerland's first ever news portal was covered in the media.
Migros-Magazin, Switzerland
Personalised Facebook coupons
Together with a US based company called Wildfire Inc. (now owned by Google) we set up a commerce engine that allowed to drive sales via Facebook. Targeting the audiences with offers was a great experience connecting digital with traditional shops (Google called this No-Line effect).