Aigora - we can do better: Nowcasting: Super-Short-Term Weather Prediction / by Kevin Lancashire

Nowcasting is a technique used to predict weather conditions in the very near future, typically within the next 0-6 hours.It relies on real-time data and artificial intelligence (AI) to make highly accurate forecasts for short timeframes.

Here's how Nowcasting stands out from traditional weather forecasting methods:

  • Focus on the Immediate: Traditional methods often focus on predicting weather patterns for days or weeks in advance. Nowcasting zooms in on the next few hours, providing crucial details about rapidly changing weather events.

  • Real-time Data Advantage: Nowcasting leverages real-time data like radar images and weather station observations. This allows it to capture dynamic weather changes that might be missed by models relying solely on historical data.

  • AI for Pattern Recognition: Nowcasting utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of real-time data. These algorithms can identify subtle patterns and trends in the data, leading to more accurate short-term predictions.

What We Couldn't Do Before:

  • Pinpoint Rapid Changes: Traditional methods might struggle to predict sudden downpours, thunderstorms, or wind gusts. Nowcasting allows for highly localized forecasts, pinpointing exactly when and where these events might occur.

  • Enhanced Public Safety: Nowcasting empowers people to be better prepared for immediate weather threats.Timely warnings can help avoid risks associated with sudden weather events.

  • Improved Decision-Making: Precise short-term forecasts are valuable for various sectors. Airlines can optimize flight paths, farmers can adjust irrigation schedules, and event organizers can make informed decisions based on real-time weather predictions.

Benefits and the Future of Nowcasting (10 years):


  • Increased public safety through timely warnings

  • Reduced economic disruptions from unexpected weather events

  • Improved efficiency in sectors like aviation and agriculture

The Future (10 years from now):

  • Hyperlocal Predictions: Nowcasting could become even more hyperlocal, providing street-level detail on weather conditions.

  • Integration with Personal Devices: Imagine receiving real-time weather updates tailored to your specific location directly on your smartphone or smartwatch.

  • AI Advancements: As AI continues to evolve, Nowcasting could become even more sophisticated, incorporating additional data sources and achieving even greater accuracy in short-term predictions.

Overall, Nowcasting represents a significant advancement in weather forecasting. By harnessing the power of AI and real-time data, it provides crucial information for immediate decision-making, safety, and various aspects of daily life. As technology progresses, we can expect Nowcasting to become even more precise and hyperlocal, offering even greater benefits in the years to come.

Nowcasting and GraphCast are both weather prediction tools, but they differ in their forecast range:

Nowcasting focuses on ultra-short-term predictions, typically for the next few hours up to a day. It relies on analyzing real-time weather data like radar images to predict immediate weather changes.

GraphCast deals with medium-range forecasts, spanning several days (6-10 days). It utilizes artificial intelligence and complex weather simulations to predict broader atmospheric patterns.


The source for the blog post is a collaborative effort. The initial ideas and questions were provided by Kevin Lancashire, while the research and writing were conducted by the AI companion, to efficiently combine Kevin’s thoughts with my capabilities to create a unique article. This synergy allows for the integration of human insight with AI-powered research and writing, resulting in a distinctive and informative piece.