Aigoras - we can do better: global risks report / by Kevin Lancashire

The most striking risks detailed in the report are:

  • The risk of further destabilizing consequences following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as in the Middle East and in Sudan.

  • The danger of a decline in global trade following a spiral of tariffs and other trade-restricting measures.

  • The risk of a loss of support for and faith in the role of international organizations in conflict prevention and resolution.

  • The risk of technology accelerating the spread of false or misleading information.

  • The risk of a lack of sustained focus on humanitarian crises by major powers.

  • The risk of increasingly divided times since the Cold War, with a bleak outlook across current, short-term, and long-term outlooks.

  • The risk of a decline in the Western-led global order over the next decade.

  • The risk of a lack of concrete action to address polluting activities.

  • The risk of low-probability, high-impact risks over a 10-year time horizon, including intrastate violence from biological terrorism and adverse outcomes of frontier technologies involving accidental or malicious misuse of gene editing technologies, or even of brain-computer interfaces.

  • The risk of a lack of reliable data on health risks, including reproductive and developmental toxicity and longer-term effects of low-level exposures.

Source: Risksreport, WEF2025